Hi? Hello? Poking my head out of my shell after spending most of February in ed/sofa/floor being sick. I’m not gonna bore ya with the details, but I have not been that sick since 2013 when I had pneumonia. D had it too and then the power went out and it was a rough time really. I am so thankful to be on the other side of it. We both appreciate all of the kind messages and texts from everyone.

This week it is back to business here at Tale of the Snail Headquarters. I am slowly moving through orders and updates. I just finished making some lovely Lilac bar soap, it smells like Spring up in here! 

I’ve been ill so my blogging plans are a bit behind. Here’s what’s going on for the next few weeks. 

Spring is ALMOST here and we are excited to offer a discount for our candle lovers. Save 15% on Tumblers & Tins through our exclusive web-only pre-order. Lilac, Petrichor, Feeling Groovy, Lavender, Citrus & Basil – Over 20 scents available. If you don't see your favorite, sent a message and we will try to get it done for you.

Pre-Order ends March 8, orders will be ready for delivery/shipping on or before March 16. 
Discount applies to this listing only for Pre-Orders. 

Next Event: SunnyBrook Spring It On Craft Show on March 15. Back in our little corner of the Historic Ballroom where apparently I went to my prom but I don’t have much of a memory of it. (I do have the dress though) SunnyBrook is a lovely venue with a ton of unique artisans & crafters. 

Next Delivery Day: 3/27 (Free Delivery $25 min, our entire delivery area)

Next Blog Update: Talking about Castile Soap Ingredients & the power of Exfoliation.

One of our goals is to stay off of social media and connect here with information and updates. We will continue to share events on Socials as long as the venue is promoting that way, as we want to show our support for the markets & events. We will continue to send out our monthly-ish email so please sign up for our email list.

Thanks for taking a few minutes to read.

stay clean. smell good. live slow.


We made over 300 bars of Soap so far this year.
Here's our latest:(left to right) Activated Charcoal (Peppermint & Lavender) and 2 bars of Lilac. These will be ready in April, just in time for Spring. 

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